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Nic Flinner. Inventor

       I am Nic, my passion for tinkering and designing has always been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. My ideas and inventions have lead me through a long path of different materials and techniques so that I could make what I was thinking a reality. I would stay up late in my father's workshop often, crafting parts out of scrap wood, plastic, and metal using whatever tools were available at the time. Eventually I grew a fondness for metal-working and welding; whether I was crafting a delicate pendant or designing a complex bracket, it was all very enjoyable and still remains one of my favorite materials to work with. In high school I was exposed to a 3D modeling program called "AutoDesk Inventor" and it has been one of my greatest tools since then. Almost every project that I start begins with a to-scale 3D model before I begin work on the actual part; this has saved me countless hours of effort and frustration. Additionally, with the use of 3D printing I have designed and printed a multitude of objects that add functionality to every application that I can find.

     One of the biggest choices in my life was when I had to choose what field of engineering I wanted to pursue. I had always known that I wanted to be an engineer, but it was never clear as to what kind of engineer. Eventually I was introduced to "Materials & Science Engineering" and knew that was perfect for me. This field of engineering specializes in all forms of materials and applications (polymers, metals, ceramics, composites, and semiconductors). As of May 2016 I officially have a degree in Material Science & Engineering and am excited to become an engineer!



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